I am getting ahead of myself, first you go upstairs and wait for your group to be called, when they are you move to another room where you have to sign a waiver, as well as they make sure you have any medical problems...I have asthma so I gave them my inhaler for the guide to carry just in case. We then moved to the changing area and they handed us our outfits to wear they are essentially jump suits. They tell us not to wear anything but our undergarments after we are dressed we take our stuff and put it into lockers. Then our instructor comes and gets us we are a group of about 10-15. They bring us to these U-Shaped coral where we get our equipment....the belt that tethers you to the bridge we also get attached with jackets attached to our belts near our bums. It was amusing. Then once we are geared we do a practice run so we can learn how to climb up and down the latter to get to different levels as well as learn how to move while we are attached to something.
Then we head out get the last pee break and drink break and we are off it is a 2.5-3hour climb. About half-way up the bridge it started pouring rain and it was windy and if I was scared before I defiantly was when it was raining sideways...finally we get to the top and take a group picture and we start heading down when it stopped raining...we start slowly walking down since we are on metal and it was just raining.
I know it sounds a little traumatic cause it was raining but it fine and really worthwhile I would do it again I just hope it wouldn't rain again... :)
I know your wondering does she have twitter? Of Course I do please follow me! @TanyaNeshat